Tribute from Tim

When I heard the news about Jonny, I felt truly sad. For his friends, his family, but most pertinently, for him. A great loss for a man so young. He was always kind, always playful, and always made you feel at ease.

Perhaps I knew him less well than many others, but still, he was a good man and friend during my younger years.

I didn’t attend Mill Hill County and therefore never truly encountered the full “Webbo” experience , but growing up, he was a very apparent presence. I met him through a friend and spent many a glorious hour on a pitch burning off the frustrations of the week playing football against teams that were often far better and talented than us, but in truth, it rarely mattered.

He was a witty, charismatic, and a gifted individual, eager to entertain and amuse.

Whilst I may have lost touch with him, he will always be remembered and missed.

Jonny, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing… I hope you make those around you feel befriended, empowered and needed. You did that for me.

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