Tribute from Paul

Well, what to say about Webbo? Blimey, no words exist. I have tried to describe him to people I work with, but he isn’t really someone you can compare to anyone else. A child in a man’s body, but with the musical brain of a God. The personality that can flex and change depending on who he is teaching or chatting with, but a man who deeply cared about every relationship he had, and every job he had to get done. All whilst having an immense sense of humour and incredible laugh (even rivalled mine!)

I used to spend time with Jonny at Kris’ house most weekends. I experienced his music room, he tried to help me through grade 5 theory and some bits for grade 6 trumpet. He was in Jazz band with me and often made up his own bits during the concert, Mrs Findon letting him just get on with it (it always sounded amazing). He would cover any instrument in the school show orchestra – you knew you were in safe hands with Webb in the orchestra pit with you.

My favourite memories probably come from playing football with him for 8 years. Webb was a player you were very happy to have on your team, rather than have to play against. He was often told off for not having shin pads. He used to get us to kick him in the shins in front of the ref to prove he didn’t need them (unorthodox, of course). He used to wear a bandana in every match. He used to annoy the opposition, and over the years, he became an amazing teammate you could rely on, he always gave his best and had a cracking left foot.

Once when someone shouted “there’s a man behind you”, he shouted back, “I’m not that lucky!” And that sums him up in a nutshell. Giving his all, focused, wanting to do his bit for the team; but if the opportunity arose to have a laugh, make a funny comment, or be a bit rude, he wasn’t one to miss out.

You will be missed, my friend. I feel regret for not realising the full force of the demons you faced, but I am really glad you had Kris in your life, who is one of the best friends you could have asked for. Your memory will live very long; every time I have thought of you lately, I have smiled and chuckled to myself, what better legacy is there to leave behind 🙂

Catch you later, dude.


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