Jonny’s favourite comedy

Jonny was a semi-professional film watcher. He had not seen many “classics”, but he had seen every single terrible film ever made.

These were Jonny’s favourite comedy films – many are cited as candidates for ‘the worst films ever made’ – so it was only right that they would be Jonny’s favourites.

  • Goon
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Any film with Will Ferrell (particularly Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby and Old School)
  • Dude, Where’s My Car?
  • Road trip


Jonny’s favourite comedians were Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Ricky Gervais and Louis CK. He really grew up with Connolly, and later discovered Izzard’s comedic-nonsense style a perfect match for his odd sense of humour.

It was only recently that he discovered Gervais and Louis CK. He enjoyed the intentionally (and ironically) offensive jokes that they told. They pushed boundaries, and he couldn’t wait to see what their next joke – and show – would bring.

Clips from various TV shows that Jonny shared and loved:

Eddie Izzard was Jonny’s favourite comedian. Whenever presented with one single bad option, Jonny would quip, “What, so my option is ‘or death?'”. Find out why:

Jonny loved Mitchell and Webb (TV series, and the radio show).

Brian Butterfield

Peter Serafinowicz – “Rings, Wings, Bings, Mings, Stings, Kings & Tings Magazine”

Life of Brian – Biggus Dickus

Fast show – Sweaty Coppers

Fast show – Monkfish

The sitcom Spaced – both series, all episodes.

Jonny adored the movie The Big Lebowski. This is where his name ‘Dude’ came from. He would quote it frequently, especially any line said by John Goodman’s character.